Staying fit during your pregnancy can be a challenging task. The urge to indulge in every craving and skip your routine workouts can be overwhelming at times. The good news is there are some easy ways to incorporate prenatal exercise into your everyday routine to ensure that you and your baby are as healthy as possible.
Walk, walk, walk.
Walking for 30 to 60 minutes six days a week can help tremendously in keeping yourself healthy during your pregnancy. Your walking sessions don’t have to be hardcore workouts. Don’t have the energy to walk for long periods of time? Try cutting your walks into shorter time periods. Walking, even for 10 minutes at a time, can help jumpstart your energy and help push you to reach your goals.
Do the “Pre-Pregnancy Shape Up.”
Once you’re pregnant, the general rule of thumb with exercise is that you can stay on your normal activity schedule. If you are actively planning or trying to become pregnant, start working out before hand. Begin a routine that works for you that you will be able to continue doing while pregnant.
Record everything.
The best way to stick to fitness goals and nutrition plans is to write it all down. Keeping a journal can help keep track of your daily progress on your pregnancy journey, and can also double as a pregnancy journal which could be a great thing to look back on in later days.
Take it easy.
As your pregnancy progresses, your workouts will naturally become harder and harder to do. Be sure to listen to your body and don’t overdo it. If you can’t carry on a conversation with your workout buddy, take a minute to slow yourself down. Be sure to keep water nearby and drink plenty of it. It’s easy to forget to stay hydrated.
Be sure to consult with your physician to make sure that your activity level won’t harm you or your baby.