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Kevin Girtman, PA

4.8 out of 5
3201 Springhill Drive Suite 100
North Little Rock, AR 72117

Direct Line

(501 )955-4530



(501) 955-4540

Kevin Girtman, PA

4.8 out of 5

My goal is to provide quality patient services and respond to the changing health needs of Arkansans with Christian compassion.

A native of Austin, Arkansas, Kevin Girtman, is a certified physician assistant specializing in family medicine.
In his spare time he loves spending family time with his son and wife. He also loves dogs, hiking and traveling.

Degree Origin

Harding University

Practicing Specialties

Family Medicine

Practicing Health Concerns

Acute Illnesses, Annual Physicals, Chronic Disease, Geriatrics, Immunizations, Well Child Care

Board Certifications

National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants