Megan McQueen

Employee, Baptist Health Physician Partners

Baptist Health has greatly influenced my life. My late grandmother, Fay Sloan, M.D., joined Arkansas Anesthesia/Baptist Health in 1966 where she served as section chief of anesthesia for a number of years, retiring in 1989. This was an incredible and inspiring feat for women, at the time. My mother, Ann McQueen, took her first position at Baptist Health in Little Rock in 1977 as the only speech pathologist. She then became a supervisor and started a speech pathology department at the North Little Rock campus. She became the director of outpatient services at Little Rock in 1988. She would finally retire as system director of patient and community services in 2019, after 42 years of service to Baptist Health, leaving quite the impressive contribution. The women in my family have talked about Baptist Health and the footprints they were leaving here from the time I was learning to walk. I feel as if I partially grew up here, granting me an understanding of the legacy of Baptist Health in a unique way, because that legacy is very intertwined with my own. I was born here and now I have worked here for seven years. I have a great respect for this organization, a unique understanding of its history, and a desire to be part of its growth and development into the future.