UPDATE: The pool at Marvin Altman Fitness Center is now available for walking and lap swimming only with one person per land and a maximum of six people in the pool at a time. Please rinse off before entering the pool. No family swim or pool classes are available at this time.
FORT SMITH, Ark. – Marvin Altman Fitness Center located inside Baptist Health-Fort Smith reopened effective Monday, May 4, at 6 a.m. The fitness center is complying with the restrictions and safety measures recommended by Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson and the Arkansas Department of Health.
New hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. The facility is closed Saturday and Sunday.
Members will only be allowed on the fitness floor and equipment will be limited. Only 20 members on the fitness floor at a time. All workouts will be limited to 30-minute sessions.
The following areas will be closed: hot tubs, sauna and showers (wet areas will be blocked). No childcare or fitness classes are being offered at this time.
In accordance with guidance from the Governor’s office and ADH:
- Everyone is to remain 12 feet apart.
- All members should wear a mask as they enter and exit the fitness center. Masks can be removed during exercise.
- Members will have their temperature taken at the front door. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 will not be allowed entry.
- Anyone with a cough, sore throat or flu-like symptoms will not be admitted.
- Anyone who has traveled to a COVID-19 hot spot (New York, New Jersey or New Orleans) or has had contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days will also not be allowed entry.
- It is advised those with compromised immune systems and chronic diseases not utilize public fitness centers at this time
Hand sanitizer will be provided for members. Marvin Altman Fitness Center staff will diligently and regularly clean equipment between members’ workout sessions. Please comply with these guidelines for your own safety, as well as the safety of other members and staff.
Marvin Altman Fitness Center asks that you:
- Wash your hands before and after use of fitness equipment
- Avoid touching your face
- Maintain social distancing between yourself and other members on the fitness floor and in the locker rooms
Please note: Marvin Altman Fitness Center will not be drafting May dues. If you have any questions, please call the fitness center at (479) 441-5469.