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Baptist Health Sleep Disorder Center Earns Reaccreditation

FORT SMITH, Ark. (March 11, 2019) – Baptist Health Sleep Disorder Center recently received its reaccreditation from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM). The facility earned the reaccreditation by adhering to quality and patient care guidelines set by the AASM.

At the six-bed sleep disorder center inside Baptist Health-Fort Smith, diagnostic sleep studies are performed to determine if a patient suffers from sleep apnea and other disorders, such as narcolepsy. The center also offers home sleep tests for patients.

The program began 10 years ago and is led by Arturo Meade, M.D., a pulmonologist and sleep specialist. As a sleep specialist, Dr. Meade is trained to diagnose sleep apnea and other conditions that can affect a person’s quality of sleep. Sleep apnea can be a life-threatening condition characterized by episodes of complete or partial airway obstruction during sleep.

Risk factors for sleep apnea include obesity, family history, smoking, diabetes and hypertension. There are also several daytime warning signs such as morning headaches, trouble concentrating, memory or learning problems, and depression. For more information about sleep studies, visit or call (479) 441-5255.

About Baptist Health: Baptist Health is an Arkansas-based, locally owned and managed, not-for-profit, and faith-based health-care organization. Baptist Health is also Arkansas’ most comprehensive health-care organization with more than 200 access points and approximately 11,000 employees operating 11 hospitals. For more information about Baptist Health, visit or call Baptist Health HealthLine at 1-888-BAPTIST. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube.