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Lensey Scott, MD


Direct Line

(501) 327-7555



(501) 504-6910

Lensey Scott, MD

“I care about the cardiac health of my patients, and I strive to treat every patient like family.”

In his free time, Dr. Lensey Scott enjoys biking, hiking and fishing.


University of Florida College of Medicine


University of Mississippi Medical Center- Cardiology
Wayne State University, Detroit Medical Center- Interventional Cardiology

Degree Origin

Florida State University College of Medicine

Practicing Specialties

Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Interventional Cardiology

Practicing Health Concerns

Cardiac Health Screening, Cardiac Stress Testing, Carotid Artery Disease Screening, Coronary Artery Interventions, Peripheral Artery Disease Interventions, Peripheral Artery Disease Screening, Telemedicine, Vein Ablation, Venous Disease Screening

Board Certifications

Internal Medicine