BDB 100: How to Optimize Your Ride and Prevent Injuries | Part 1

We all want that perfect ride, where you feel great during and after the ride, and your times are the best ever. But sometimes, try as you might, there is just something not quite right. Your pace is wrong, the rhythm is off, or you’re uncomfortable, maybe even to the point of pain.

Here are three tips that can help you perform better.

BDB 100: Protegiendo Su Piel del Daño Solar

En Arkansas, hay muchas actividades que pueden hacer que pases horas bajo el sol. Desde la práctica de ligas menores y el tiempo en la piscina familiar hasta el entrenamiento para Big Dam Bridge 100, si no protege su piel, podría estar preparándose para sufrir dolorosas quemaduras solares y daños permanentes en la piel

BDB 100: Los Mejores Consejos de Hidratación para Ciclistas que Buscan Energía

Mantenerse adecuadamente hidratado es crucial para los ciclistas que buscan mantener sus niveles de energía durante los recorridos largos. Una hidratación adecuada puede ayudar a reponer los electrolitos y proporcionar el combustible necesario para seguir adelante. Por el contrario, la deshidratación puede afectar significativamente el rendimiento y el bienestar general.

BDB 100: Protecting Your Skin from Sun Damage

In Arkansas, there are many activities that can have you spending hours in the sun. From little league practice and family pool time to training for Big Dam Bridge 100, if you’re not protecting your skin, you could be setting yourself up for a painful sunburn and permanent skin damage.

BDB 100: Best Hydration Tips for Cyclists Seeking Energy

Staying adequately hydrated is crucial for cyclists seeking to maintain their energy levels during long rides. Proper hydration can help replenish electrolytes and provide the necessary fuel to keep you going. In contrast, dehydration can significantly impact performance and overall well-being. 

Dr. Jheanelle Dawkins, a physician at Sherwood Family Medical Center-A Baptist Health Affiliate, offers four hydration tips for cyclists to ensure adequate hydration before, during and after the ride.

BDB 100 | Entrenando en el Clima Cálido

Para cualquiera que se esté preparando para un evento de clima caluroso, como la carrera ciclista del Big Dam Bridge, el Dr. Jay Geoghagan, cardiólogo de Baptist Health Ejercicio y Deportes Clinic, comparte cuatro consejos para ayudarle a mantenerse seguro./p>