Sleep Center
Baptist Health Medical Center – Sleep Center diagnoses and treats sleep disorders, from the common Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), to the more rare REM Behavior Disorders. Sleep apnea is the most common sleep disorder, and its side effects include high blood pressure, heart disease, and congestive heart failure. Symptoms to look for include daytime sleepiness/fatigue, increased irritability, snoring, witnessed apnea, difficulty staying awake, difficulty concentrating, and frequent awakening during sleep. If these symptoms are familiar, take this Epworth Scale Test to help decide if a sleep study might be necessary.
Our Staff
Our medical director, Dr. Ali Al-Nashif reads all sleep studies. Dr. Al-Nashif is certified in pulmonary/sleep medicine. Our staff includes two registered polysomnographic technicians (RPSGT) and one staff member in training to become certified RPSGTs.
Our Facility
Our four-bed lab, completed in 2012, is designed and decorated to offer you the comforts of home while your sleep behavior is assessed. Patients tell us their stay seems almost like a visit to a hotel rather than a hospital stay. Our modern, private rooms allow each patient to have a comfortable night while the sleep study is performed. Sleep Center staff monitor patient sleep from the nearby control room. If you are unable to come to the hospital, you may be eligible for at-home sleep testing.
If you have any questions, or would like to learn more about these sleep studies, feel free to call the Sleep Center at (870) 460-3555.