Considering Pregnancy

La Importancia de Mantener un Peso Saludable antes de Quedar Embarazada

El peso tiene un impacto mayor en la fertilidad de una mujer de lo que podría haber pensado; tener sobrepeso o bajo peso puede afectar la capacidad de una mujer para quedar embarazada. Las mujeres deben comenzar a tomar decisiones saludables sobre el control del peso, la nutrición y el ejercicio a medida que comienzan a planificar el embarazo.

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Things To Consider When Choosing Prenatal Vitamins

Eating a healthy and balanced meal every day is still the best way to get the right nutrients and vitamins for you and your growing baby. However, prenatal vitamins ensure that you’re bridging any gaps between your food habits and the vitamins you need during pregnancy. 

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How to Find The Ideal OB/GYN and Pediatrician

Picking an OB/GYN or pediatrician is a very personal process, – the physician that you choose will be an important part of your entire pregnancy. The pediatrician you choose will be an integral part of your child’s life. Being prepared is a big part of pregnancy; instead of choosing your OB/GYN or pediatrician at random, Baptist Health wants you to feel secure in your choice of physician. We talked to real pregnant women and new moms to compile a list of criteria that they considered when selecting their ideal OB/GYN and Pediatrician.

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Cómo Encontrar Un OB/GYN y Pediatra Ideal

Elegir un obstetra/ginecólogo o un pediatra es un proceso muy personal: el médico que elija será una parte importante de todo su embarazo. El pediatra que elija será una parte integral de su hijo vida. Estar preparado es una gran parte del embarazo; en lugar de elegir a su obstetra/ginecólogo o pediatra al azar, Baptist Health quiere que se sienta seguro en su elección de médico. Hablamos con mujeres embarazadas reales y nuevas mamás para compilar una lista de criterios que consideraron al seleccionar su obstetra/ginecólogo y pediatra ideales.

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What Is Infertility & What Can You Do About It?

For some couples, getting pregnant can be difficult. After trying for months with no success it can be emotionally and mentally tax. For some it helps to know that contrary to popular belief, infertility is not uncommon. Better yet, the most important thing to know is that there are several options available to increase your chances of having a child that that can be done personally or at Baptist Health.


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